Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Best Amp For Archtop Guitars

Günter's Monthly Report August 2006

Monthly Report August 2006 by Günter Willmroth
Posted on 30.08.2006;

Topics: listing of the methods used and performed exercises and thereby experience, a list of exercises that can be avoided or hidden, Miscellaneous, what remains of CHS:

exercises :
only a few times I have meditated.
A few times during a train journey . I was able to concentrate mostly short-lived. I once counted up 50 is an occasion to 100 Ausatemzüge. Then I fell asleep or had a dream. But while jogging, I once counted to 250 and even up to 300 Ausatemzüge. Since I was highly concentrated. Then I called bodily sensations. I have noticed is that I usually perceptions designated on the skin, is rarely what the body inside (A nice word with a hidden sense .... remember Körp.). Further or other exercises I have avoided.

of my wishes, I have my program for mountaineering fully met. 10 pull-ups, suspended, had reached me. My equipment provided for me and I have purchased already prepared for the journey. Three successes or happy events, I have written to about the middle of the month. And then sometimes it thought. At the moment I have no desire to write. I remember the evening more often or look me directly in small success experiences.

coaching sessions (VAM), the developments in relation to the modified critical relationship partners : taken without change or no change true.

In my / our new home I now feel very comfortable. Much has yet actually sold better in our house. Even the radio is much better. I am pleased with small successes. And I am confident that my income situation improves soon
. An example of a small success: missing since we moved in mid-June by a secretary of the key, and so we had the cabinet closed. Several times one of us was looking for the keys in vain. In the past week I've taken a closer look and noticed the closet a few anomalies . With a few simple steps I was able to raise the top wooden board and open the space for writing. Lo and behold, the cabinet was not completed and the key was in the drawer behind the writing surface. The relocation was the only body got a little out of shape and it had the charge stuck. A great feeling, I enlarged and was happy.

What You must know about myself:
I assume that most students of TTC afraid to give up with like-minded people in the same magazine ads. Perhaps fear of competition. In any case, was denied me of a magazine my advertising because you need 4 other TTC-learning it and it was one of them refused to allow further. Well, aside from feelings, I think the best part. I can live with it.

And I look forward to my mountaineering holiday in Martell South Tyrol in the first week of September. Plenty of rest, exercise, fresh air, lots of new experiences. After an exhausting tour, it may look like this:

Enough, Ois. All readers joyful experience to the next report.

below still a success at drawing:

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sheer Minerals Vs Bare Minerals

Günter Monthly Report for July 2006

Posted on 01.08.2006

list of the methods used and performed exercises and the lessons learned, a list of exercises that can be avoided or hidden, Miscellaneous , what remains of TTC and Christie Assumption Seminary (CHS);

A few times I've only meditated, but more often as in the previous month. sung twice in the group Om nama ya . All other exercises I have avoided.


My Favorite book was closed (the last entry was on 21.09.2005). Today I have however written a new detailed wish that I carry in my head for some time. My special request action regarding hiking dates in September I have met almost daily. I hinders the action a bit, but I see and feel results. As a small compensation, I've written every day 3 successes or happy events.

coaching sessions (VAM), the developments in relation to the modified critical relationship partners: calm to exciting (roller coaster at a low level)

I have a new job without an active acquisition and get a couple of ways to present myself. Something I am very happy.

had in the last week of July, our long-term financial help to the last working day. She celebrated her 65zigsten birthday in June and now plans to enjoy retirement. From now on, Hannah and I provide the budget back itself (a bit of a challenge to time management and logistics). Hannah will show up on another little activity in the joint venture WBT. She has accepted a part-time job. For now, I therefore decide itself how it goes with WBT and what happened.
What You must know about myself:
I have first annoyed, as Hannah explained the activities of WBT tremendously. Then I calmed down and seen the pleasant side, the future decide to fast for my sense without me to agree with Hannah.

I feel comfortable and enjoy time as the new view from my office window (see photo) which is similar to the old office (slightly more distant view I have now). Every day I have enough food and drink and Quantum my attention. Even if I have no work, with the money I earn I'm happy (for me that is a great success).

enough for the July,
all readers a good time until the next report.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

How Much Snow To Cancel Flight?

My final report after completion TTC

Originally 29.02.2004, after completion of the TTC training - Train the coach, wrote.

a long time know I was looking my skills and desires better, or new to learn. Professionally, I occupied myself very often with a change or a serious change. Many seminars and practical exercises (eg a week working in a large market garden) I used to me to be clear as a tool. In a similar way was my wife. It employed among other things, coaching, and had many records of training providers in Germany are collected. Ultimately, my wife decided for a basic course in Boudewijn Vermeulen and showed me the documents. I was somewhat interested and fit as the deadline, I asked Hannah to sign with me. Finally, we were able to spend a weekend together and had shared new experiences and to talk about.
Hannah decided pretty quickly and signed up for TTC. The changes of Hannah in the wake of TTC, I took an opportunity to me a year later to sign as well. I also remember my resistance to body work (in the basic seminar) and the possibility of thus a better access to myself.

first I had to TTC just wish me to clarify himself to educate and to stabilize. Later, in addition, that coaching is a way to use my skills in a new career and learn to know as many tools. Perhaps also played a bit of a roll, with Hannah to have a common basis (which I think to me today).

the first block I designed my hardest. As far as I still remember after the first week I was gone most like home. Since I'm still less because of curiosity or interest, I give more weight today the themes of failure and a bit of avarice. After the seminar, I found plenty of work in my old job. Within weeks I received more orders than in the entire previous year together (2003 was the first negative annual result). So I gave me more security. The subject of coaching itself, I put something in the background. Occasionally I saw a picture (still hangs in my office), I had already painted in mid-June, Title: My job and me. Subtitles: I connect the vocational elements. (- Comes time will tell - I complete my present)

the second block I have much easier. The participants were familiar to me and I had the same room. For me, an essential Proportion of well-being in other words, as little additional change, my exercises were enough in the TTC.
important to me is the interaction with teachers and with participants after the block. Random Notes from Boudewijn as to the events in my coaching sessions for me were always helpful. The regular team calls for me were very fruitful discussions. Just because they were usually performed in Diadenform. Together with Javier I have done it with great discipline. The call of Boudewijn, in the third block at least two coaching clients to attend was for me also very important. The experiences that I have for example in the third block within a theme edit (perfection versus-assertion) can.
In the third block, I gave me the clarity, direction, stability, I wanted a long time.
Perhaps the most important experience was the demonstration of the Feldenkrais exercises by Boudewijn and practice with my two employees-and-assertion perfection.

The tipping pool, supported by the pressure on the heel, was the solution to the Feldenkrais practice. I had brought myself to make the exercise as I have understood from Franz Wurm. And I've tried a few variations. I always have it with great Combined effort. It was clear that the Feldenkrais exercises should work without much effort. But how? The imitation as a form of learning has its advantages and the same goes for me quite well as an adult. This has shown me the presentation of Boudewijn.

It's been a long time since I worked as part of a psychotherapy with my inner person. I was therefore aware that I get more information about how I let the people and can influence, if I am so busy (as quickly as in the evening I rarely voluntarily report). That a sensitive therapist / trainer / teacher is very important to have, I noticed in the situation wanted to take advantage of my urge the seat of the chiefs and Boudewijn denied that. I realized that at the debriefing. the physical exercises

- - Analysis of the critical relationship (Vermeulen analysis model)
key elements of the TTC for me.

If I decide to be the only right answer to the question: what is the two key points for you then the most important for the exercise.

Before TTC I was
very frequently dismayed
often ruminate on what I want or to be let,
was completely in the fog when I wanted to see in which direction I tend professionally, fairly frequent and violent, I was annoyed.

Today I am reconciled
with my old job,
have fun again at work,
my work more exciting and fun (take 10 hours sometimes like a moment),
have appropriate ideas to spare me the amount of work (creative),
have a second field of work (coaching) got to know that I mostly fun,
have confidence / trust as far as my future,
let my finish the other person and hear there (rarely do I pause).

In my private life, I turn to painting, Feldenkrais, and movement meditation (twice I'm running with Hannelore a dyad).
in professional and in private situations, I pay attention more to my body, perceive differences in the body, leaving me more time for responses.
At work I am doing now a little more conscious relationship with my customer care or involved in the project (based Beziehungsdiade). In meetings, I am sometimes absent-minded (drifted, because no interest in the conversation). Now I can very quickly focus on the participants, when I go to my bodily sensations eighth. Thus, TTC and the range and quality of my profession expanded.
All I came in coaching practitioner from TTC.

Most important for me in the TTC was sure the body work. Here I afforded the greatest resistance in the first block. It makes a difference whether I am doing gymnastics, running, and track and field and my body a little note, or Feldenkrais, movement, meditation, exercising or walking hand research with various foot positions and pay attention to my body. I in various situations have body sensations (which I knew from psychotherapy, because I had no emotions but usually violent reaction of the body), I already knew. I was only a matter of indifference. Today I sign KE conscious. Now I can play with emotion, KE and response. In a temporal quality and intensity. I know my limits more easily and keep them more or they walk cautiously.

The analysis of the critical relationship for me the next highest priority. At first I thought that only for people and for others (like me) are suitable. I have learned that I benefit even them, and that it also Matters or things may be applied. And above all, that I myself can do for me. Before each client visit, I write my 8 letters. The AdkB is extremely useful and effective.

I mean that I am using the reflection came across quite well. Sometimes I would leave it out because I was uncomfortable. Also because I can play tricks.

course I have taken 3 sessions at Boudewijn. However, before I signed up for the TTC. The meetings were crucial for my application to the TTC. I learned then that I do with the situations with which I dealt previously very difficult and then relieved. I have also encountered a few clear patterns (with emphasis from Boudewijn) with which I deal are much better, and sometimes downright matches (self-responsibility for success such as civil). However, I can well imagine that a meeting would have given me during training, a different perspective in education. As an excuse for the failure, I choose my depressing financial situation last year, I wanted to save. Acting or the real reason I leave open.

The seminar line for me was in the first part sometimes very annoying. Until now I was a stranger, that I remain silent in a seminar when other participants weaker occurring to me, after my sensation decreased, or tackled hard. I think this is a feature of the seminar leader and assume that Boudewijn deliberately doing and knows what for.
the organization? Quite perfect, I had everything I needed.
The music I liked, no objection.
The course materials: enough to lavish. Sufficient regard to the background of the methods (I'm just comfortable and would have gladly done as a concept, I now tackle a halt with literature), lush regarding gifts like crayons, folders, paper, CDs.
The seminar house I was in the beginning very friendly (it was summer and warm), friendly and exotic food for me. Also, the largely vegetarian food was perfect to me. In my last block is the flaking plaster (including rising damp and saltpetre) noticed in my room and in some places the ground floor. Given my room was freezing when I arrived and very smelly (even the mattress, so moist).
The food came to me in the last block of something hard to digest (which were of course to me) and uninspired (much of it had there been other times and especially many of pasta).
The seminar room was very nice to me (especially the floor), light and spacious.

My commitment was in the TTC very different. After the first week in the first block I was more on the way out and wanted more for me to be alone. Then I organized 2 meetings and hosted a meeting (organized Gabi had). In the first block I have agreed at least two walk outdoors per day and was most active for the morning with a jog. The second session I was about walking less active. More than half of the invitations I have received. In the final block I can only invite (there were then fewer walks came about). If there were activities (singing in the first block, sauna), I was happy there. In the last block I was much more relaxed and have often the morning break with a nap or spend time reading. For some participants, I was cautious as to others.

with my clients, I've always done and most of the AdkB Brazilian toe hold. Once I tried a moving meditation and even hand exploration. That came to less well. The program needs I have mentioned in any of the client, as I am in the form of Boudewijn oriented (meistens!?) And it is not an indication.

The training has paid off for me. I am repeating myself now. I was TTC by the clarity, the direction that the stability I wanted a long time. Important tools I bought myself and practical experience to coach that I can and have a relatively simple and effective method for doing this. Outside TTC I could always let me help by the instructor and have also used it.
for a cost-benefit ratio I will only say in a few years. Until now I just want to talk about the benefits. For this I refer to the previous section (TTC was worth it for me). Certainly, the seminar fees for me a big chunk in the past year or even earlier (I had already paid in 2002). I suspect that the money is well spent for me.

The essence of TTC?
too, I repeat myself:
By TTC for me clarity, direction and stability.
Many tools and a relatively simple, effective method for
and practice in coaching.
(21 words)

TTC distinguished by diverse body of work and little concept papers from other training courses I have attended. Reflections were possible in 5-10% of the seminars attended. In Boudewijn is required for each exercise.

Now I'm curious to see how much I integrate permanently from TTC in my life.
Subsequently, I report every month on changes in my life.
Until then