Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Gentleman's Jack Compared

Günter's Monthly Report June 2007

Meditative exercises this month came in slightly too short (see requirements) ..
More exercises in brief: shave intuitive Teetassenfüllen, left, sing breathing exercise.

the first look at what I have done to me. The shorter exercise rhythm during exercise. That was in June optimal. Experience also shows there again, practice makes perfect, who snaps the rusts. Within just four weeks, I reached to the always the same training distance of 6.2 km shorter at eight minutes running time (from 50 to 42 minutes). For the next month I hope me a shorter cycle repeated in rhythm exercise for meditation. In general, a smoother and shorter rhythm in the activity / action.
do something to do without. So be a driver or initiator. I would like more coaching clients and customers / distributors for my Glykonährstoffe.

change has many faces. It is an alteration, if made in different sizes (especially large) distance running exercises (unrhythmical) in short and regular intervals (they are a ritual, a habit). Ver-change is, however, even if the usual (Regular and short intervals) or irregular running exercises are different.
Both have their qualities. Right now, I seek the change to more custom. Especially for meditative and physical (sporting) exercises. The easiest way I can think DO NOTHING, just look. This month, I realized
(Elizabeth Bauer, thank), a well-known and proven pattern of success shows me no more (it's already been a year's time). Driving move and even a bit intense, my entrepreneurial skills to generate greater resistance the more active I am in it. Now it is time to take advantage of who I was at odds (rather than to establish itself) offers and how I was made to explore (my feelings). And actually I feel better when I take up other offers. Improvement alone my behavior, to go where there are offers for me (where who what offers come ..... .... one of the wishes) is.
my desk and adjacent storage areas are cleaned up, disposed of most of the documents or filed. Some I still want to read and edit. That was my potential for change from last month. I have used it. An empty, cluttered desk makes me distracted and at much less. This behavior is still very unstable and rhythm ... see a few lines before ... stabilizes I in the coming months (and years).

What You must know about myself: For a long time I used
the coaching elements ... 7Briefe painting and image ... for my own needs. It was striking, the following event in which I applied 7B and image. I had a business appointment in a doctor's office, which I classify as very important. And was then very identical to my wishes and the day before the painted image. A success that is still steigerunsfähig.
for the next time I specify my wishes and describe them fully. After an email exchange with my coaching trainers I supplement this with a meditation and physical exercise. And then I am quite patient as I was made.
Then there was the hedgehog. Since we live in Eberspoint, we miss some of the animals that appeared in our garden in Velden often. Among other hedgehogs. On the last Saturday of the month I wanted to see a late hour (after 22:00 clock, it was already dark) in the garden after the worm (with flashlight). Here I almost stepped on a big fat hedgehog. A fright we had probably both. Since the hedgehogs every night can be heard in the garden or see. My joy is great.
reading: I read the book first The Secret, 2 Before you want to die, live! and 3 an excerpt from The Master Key System. This book is only in mid July. All are about the inner world, mental abilities and how it can all be voting with the outside world (laws of life halt). For me, a fascinating subject.

Pfüarti until August

And here you can see the last event table: EreignistabelleGW200706