Günter's Monthly Report May 2008 (a new beginning?)
I have indeed written a report since 31.12.2007 more. Event tables I have done no more, although I had planned it. about my experiences in the month of May I write because I am by the Ascension Seminar 2008 (CHS) feel animated by Boudewijn Vermeulen. Of course I have after the seminar itself was changed. And it was noticeable to me, something changed in my environment . And I want to shine a little (for the seminar participants, who can use it to do something), with what I've acquired from TTC and the CHS.
What You must know about myself:
First, something to CHS2008. I had taken almost every day after the seminar, a health impairment to take home. On my cold from the last day I remembered 3 weeks until I finally felt improvement. I would probably have so. I was pleased about the last day of the CHS . The day on which all research needs were questionable. The recognition that the current state probably is closer to what we hope or wish. And these wishes may be more unconscious or were. Of course I knew this view. But I also know that that the thoughts objectives and wishes to bring us closer to this . Life is probably as diverse and complicated that everything has its validity. There is only one question: wan n? Here's the rub. The knowledge, perception, especially when that rule. Long been true for me: the current state is the desired and remains temporarily stable. Resistant to all efforts to change it.
The idea to pay only a 5-euro notes in your wallet, I've picked up from the CHS. My experience so far: I give a lot more money from . It gives me more fun with a bunch of fives. I have a feeling that more Money at it to have. Also interesting was the reaction in the bank, when I picked up 100 bills. What would be the most. I told it. Coincidentally (?) A man was standing behind me, then paid 18!! 500-euro notes one. He showed me and found it to be too frugal with spending as a good idea if small bills are used.
The seminar was also discussed requests from a book. I use it a thin booklet (see photos). On the one hand, "My wishes" and on the back "success list". Since 2002, I write from time to time to my requests. Sometimes I need the memory of success. Then I write for a while every day a success on (in practice from the other side of the issue). The thin booklet had the advantage that I had in the beginning always with you (small, easy). For success today, I worry every day itself This includes the toilet in the morning, timely wake up without an alarm clock , intuitive (blind) matching teacup filled with water, and more. So I take me less pleasant events of the day less irritating.
In an email asking Friedrich Fasching after Boudewijns essence of work in the CHS . F UR mic h were the two points. For me It interesting what Boudewijn really meant (maybe he says or writes it to us so willingly?). The First:
a certain situation in my life (mostly unwanted, unpleasant) can rarely change directly through my will and my work. But any change (meditation, brushing teeth or shaving time left-handed instead of right, conscious communication with people relationship, etc.) acts in any way assume the entire system and there is a roundabout way to a change which I joyfully. from the operation of systems (of which I've noticed a lot as a technician), I know that any influence on an element of a system always has an impact on all other system components. It is a question of whether and how the whole system regulates the effect (the reaction). In the consideration of systems are open and closed. For me there is only mixed systems. For each system (eg, I as a human being) is deemed concluded, is influenced from the outside and with it open. This also applies to relationships, family, a company, a plant, the forest or the earth.
The current state of a human equivalent of what he would like to knowingly or unknowingly or wanted. Those who appreciate this state has assumed more of the Life.
My changes:
I have more contacts, more work, a solid target by the middle of next year, more spending as income, self-confidence enjoy in my work, live more and more my own life strategies, have Excellent career prospects.
a motto I've collected for my goal for next year, so I can more easily achieved (see photo at end). It reads: reach playful and easily I my self-imposed goal. have given me, I elected three Reminder . A young Panther (grow playful, aggressive), Reinhold Messner r (self-confident, persistent, determined) and (reached goal, overview, great feeling, great view) two of its own peak experiences. means playful and easy to me but also challenge and training. Because only if I master the challenges and train for it, it is easy to play.
The CHS was for me a short time only incentive to incorporate old and established practice again. So it came only twice to the 4 directions (on the green lawn in the morning). Sporadically, I do my breathing meditation. About twice a month there is a meditation with music (we have more people). The standard range is for me brush my teeth and shave with my left hand (or potato peeling) and the intuitive Teetassenfüllen to name body feelings while jogging or in the bathtub.
maintenance needs there are a lot. Otherwise, I take my current situation and how it is to me.
That's it for this time.
Here are photos of combined my wishes and event booklet. :
And a photo of my motto