Who cares?
A friend visited us and brought a book, "Where there is nothing, nothing can be missing.
For me it was quite a strange title. And just the name of the author.
But the book, or rather what I have read it, is cause me to end my report series "My Life after TTC" and to live my life more relaxed (the exception proves the rule).
A short play of a story from the book (the chapter is: Who cares): A faithful disciple
sent his master instructed, each month a report on his progress in knowledge and spirituality.
But what of the students also wrote that the Master took little notice of his letter. In the first month, not in the second not, not in the third and the fourth month is not. Then came reports no more. Almost a year had passed, then the master's students recalled his reporting.
Before long came the response from the student. Only two words: "Who cares?"
A smile of satisfaction spread over the face of the master.
Since I want to indulge my communication skills during my thoughts to the world and to live on, I use to the on my blog own website. So, who cares about the future is looking there . is
this blog I will exist as long as he cleared up by Google.
I remain with best regards and wish all a laser-
stronger voice for life.
. PS: The book I can recommend all TTC'lern. It comes in it almost everything that I have experienced in the TTC-training too - hidden in the relations (between people, between people and things ...) is a key to laser-stronger voice for life - our ego / mind / thought is another key.