Saturday, November 20, 2010

Testicle Pain Panty Girdle

the Raven brothers - good friends

Beloved - there is some news from our dear friends - "the Raven brothers"!

Hello friends, fans and those who want to be!

Since this week we are up to date with our song "Tarred and feathered" for the listeners of Radio Charts Aena

. Right off the bat we came through without active assistance 17th place It would be nice if you could help us a little, as for once the votes. In the hope that it does not return so complicated, as with the Web and spot charter, we look forward to your votes.

If you like, you can call this our happy redistribute again.

Thank you and best regards

your Rabenbrüder

If you have not Tar our video of "the old Burger Prince robbery" could see ... see here

and shall be made as we - "the Pleissenritter eV" a cordial greeting to our dear friends " the Raven brothers !
And if a couple of interesting news and information about the / the Raven brothers want the strike just after on their HP!

Sincerely than the Eure -
Mauritzius de Baernfelsis,

princeps regni - Comes Sacrum Roman Empire

et Magister Principale de Milites sanctum Georgium

et Legatus Imperii