Sunday, August 5, 2007

Got Herpes From An Escort, What About Mywife

Günter's Monthly Report July 2007

resistance is a virtue, and her work is also without. Meditative exercises gave it to twice a week and serenity exercises. And this is my continued improvement. More exercises in brief: Teetassenfüllen intuitive (mostly succeeds, and is still my first experience of success on the day) shave, left, sing breathing exercise.

wishes: I
the rhythm during exercise training reduces me. But only up to my Velden market run. Then it wears off. The wishes for the August run training stabilize, pull-ups again Which receive regular mental training, training more composure. Preparation for the mountain hiking holiday in September, increasing the run course for more endurance, new running shoes, test a new, streamlined underwear, tour selection.
a longer term contract by a company for WBT, 2 new lectures on Glykonährstoffen and many (hundreds) of new customers and distribution partners for Mannatech products.
many opportunities where others my knowledge and skills to use for a fee.
A very cheap building site on a hill (overlooking the Alps) on the outskirts of a municipality with about 10,000 inhabitants and rail connection (about half an hour to the next City), with a detached cottage orchard.

Time just flew by. A day is over so quickly, even if I enjoy the day in peace and quiet with little activity. Overall, I have the impression that the world around me became quiet (of course, seen through my filter, or what I have created). I have gained new insights and views. The key for a long time. They affect me, my world view and my survival strategy.

Recently I go once a week for about one and a half hours in the nursing home Velden and supervising a group of residents. Entertainment, stories, Games, coffee-drinking. A new world in which I move a little insecure. For that I give off a few other things on nights per month.

What You must know about myself:
Even before my coaching training 2003 / 4 I was fascinated by the knowledge of our people as we are knitted, how and why we act. From my coaching instructor got / I get every now and then a few suggestions to do so. All this I've put together a picture.
  • There are the findings that we humans are determined. So determined. Our thinking and acting is still marked and irreversible course. Free will is an illusion.
  • There is research and studies, that man has free will. It can all change ourselves and determined. He can do anything deliberately. He creates his own world.
  • From the philosophical approaches of constructivism I know of two variants. The one implies that I exist alone, and me all self-creation. So, all other existences, and effects on me. The other option: I create my world and there are others doing the same and we influence each other (this is my choice I have come to know as most appropriate).
  • Then there is the familiar view that our life is predetermined by a complete power / force / energy or is determined. Those who made a behavior is ill and who has the subordinated won.

many ways (people) have their experience with these views. And all have their place and somehow play a role. At least in my life (not only an effective way, but several). What I was missing until now was a model, summarized in these different considerations and modes of action and complementary to a system. Now I have found a model that includes all these elements (and most likely capable of enlargement is). That to me is a useful aid. So that I learn to know me better, have a more appropriate strategy for survival, take my life easier and I am more (I am often happy).
As coaching is here: new challenges and unpleasant, there will be continued. But the setting is now to another, and so it is easier for me (see also salutogenesis). There

The model I discovered it in 1987 and was further developed and adapted to the present day. It is HDS - Human Design System called. There are many information about it on the web. Here are a few interesting links to do so. Know more about my own experiences with HDS would like to know applies, please contact me.

is literature to HDS at

Halladidodiho by September

And here is my event table in July: EreignistabelleGW200707


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