Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Right Shoulder Blade Pain And Heart Palpitations

Authorities Informer

Today's business idea actually comes from Supervisor :

"He also advocates the right of access to documents should be made more widely known: The requests for information were dropped in 2007."

And when you come in. ! The authorities make information-seekers, of course, as difficult as possible to get rid of their request. No website offers convenient categories such as "Click here to obtain information about your data."

You will make very different. You can give your customers a power of attorney, and obtain the information. Because most do not even know what Authorities, they should ask what, you will raise the demand in which they research, can be queried on what authorities particularly interesting information.

All you can also put together a package. According to the motto: "Give us a mandate, we investigate what Schufa, saved, authorities and Internet databases on them." Although this idea is not particularly new (Spock, Pipl, Yasni, ClaimID, FindMeOn, iKarma and Myonid their regards) is. In the medium handrecherchierte searches are, however, be more appropriate.

It is also a monthly update. There you will inform your customers, what information are added as attributes. Keywords: "Online Reputation Management"

The need is out there. Many Internet users have schonmal googled her own name, but your service continues: check all kinds of databases such as telephone directories, social networks, but also with authority just Schufa, Creditreform and that the authorities!


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