Monday, December 6, 2010

My Naming Ceremony Invitation

Preview - Dates of Pleissenritter eV 2011 (planning status)

still not 100% fixed dates are with that in parentheses mark "?" provided.

- 01/04/2011 Altenburg - PLEISSENRITTER-Ausstellungseröfnung (18:00 clock)

- (06) 07 - 08.05.2011 Schönburg b. Naumburg, COEX -8. Medieval spectacle

- 21 + 22.05.2011 Nobitz, PLEISSENRITTER club hard

- (10) 11 - 06/12/2011 Oelsnitz Historic Castle Festival

- (17) 18 - 19/06/2011 Kraschwitz, MA-hard

- (24) 25 - 06/26/2011 Zeitz Moritzburg Castle, COEX-MA-spectacle ("?")

- (24) 25 - 06/26/2011 Brück, " titans of track " ("?")

- (01) 02 - 03/07/2011 Wernesgrün, Historic brewery hard ("?")

- (08) 09 - 10/07/2011 Elsterberg b. Greiz, COEX-13. Medieval spectacle

- (21) 22 - 24/07/2011 Glauchau, COEX-9. Historic castle spectacle ("?")

- (02) 03 - 09/04/2011 Mylau, COEX-12. MA-Burgfest ("?")

- (23) 24 - 09/25/2011 Burg Rabenstein Raben in Fläming, RALF-THE-CROW-8.Rabensteiner autumn

- (07) 08 - 09/10/2011 Altenburg, COEX Historic Castle Festival
ATTENTION the already scheduled date was changed to:
originally (16) 17 - 09/18/2011

additions, updates and more soon!

Sincerely than the Eure -
Mauritzius de Baernfelsis,

princeps regni - Comes Sacrum Imperium Romanum

et Magister Principale de Milites sanctum Georgium

et Legatus Imperii

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Testicle Pain Panty Girdle

the Raven brothers - good friends

Beloved - there is some news from our dear friends - "the Raven brothers"!

Hello friends, fans and those who want to be!

Since this week we are up to date with our song "Tarred and feathered" for the listeners of Radio Charts Aena

. Right off the bat we came through without active assistance 17th place It would be nice if you could help us a little, as for once the votes. In the hope that it does not return so complicated, as with the Web and spot charter, we look forward to your votes.

If you like, you can call this our happy redistribute again.

Thank you and best regards

your Rabenbrüder

If you have not Tar our video of "the old Burger Prince robbery" could see ... see here

and shall be made as we - "the Pleissenritter eV" a cordial greeting to our dear friends " the Raven brothers !
And if a couple of interesting news and information about the / the Raven brothers want the strike just after on their HP!

Sincerely than the Eure -
Mauritzius de Baernfelsis,

princeps regni - Comes Sacrum Roman Empire

et Magister Principale de Milites sanctum Georgium

et Legatus Imperii

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dental Hygiene Cover Letter For Recent Graduate

This was the 7th Rabe Autumn:

Our dear Ralf the Raven, it did not take even this year on the famous Rabensteiner Autumn Castle Rabenstein Raben to organize Fläming. He spared no effort or cost to make a really extraordinarily successful MA-market with wonderful actors on their feet. were in the castle above on 25 + 09/26/2010 open for young and old from far and near the gates.
Unfortunately, the sky opened its doors .......... :-(

War Friday as the arrival, deployment and the "celebration" day or a really good, it gave all of Saturday - only rarely interrupted -.
Des Nightly duration drizzle then, from Saturday to Sunday, there was - . - also on Sunday largely sustained downpour storm duration :-(((

Sun sank including the camp that night in the Pleissenritter 10 cm deep in the water ....
You watch:
way: Before the time saw it Cloudburst ! actually Mani from

;-) You look:

But enough of the whining ;-)

Ralf the Raven, you read it probably had to offer Allerley
!. Than when the individuals were:

The Rabenbrüder

Ralf the Raven



Kelvin Kalvus

Totus Floreo


course ( * fg *) us - and so the Pleissenritter


lot of artisans (eg, potters, carvers, wood turners, Sarwürker, blacksmith, etc.), shops (including revisions clothes, toys, tools, leather goods, jewelry, skins etc., etc.),
a field camp of the Knights Templar, a large ground-
shooting bow
a camp further Ritter (Hail seiet us Brotherhood of Bullengraben )
Normans and early-Mis ;-) (a warm greeting to our dear Hagen, Andrea and the others),
many worthy pubs and food-host (our dear and the dear Uwe Naseweis us were hugging),
ax and knife throwing,
and ....

And that's also nice that other friends were there:

Ignis Fatuus

Godemar of Walwitz Ritter and his wife Birgit

and, and, and ....

After a long preface now some pictures that show you that - despite Rain - was great simple:

The atmosphere was good, that with and for each other did the rest and there was some experience, which deserves the title "absolutely outrageous"!

even more and much better Images can be found at our dear friends
TOTUS Floreo
and that there:

Rabensteiner AUTUMN 2010

Sincerely than the Eure -
Mauritzius de Baernfelsis,

princeps regni - Comes Sacrum Imperium Romanum

et Magister Principale de Milites sanctum Georgium

et Legatus Imperii

Monday, September 27, 2010

Side Effects Of Wearing A Tight Bra

It will take a few - impressions in words and pictures of 7 Rabe fall - last weekend in ravens!


Images und Texte zum 7. Rabensteiner Herbst stelle ich noch ein. Nur noch nicht heute!

Herzlichst als der Eure -
Mauritzius de Baernfelsis,

Princeps regni - Comes Sacrum Romanum Imperium

et Magister Principale de Milites sanctum Georgium

et Legatus Imperii

Tools To Carve Pinewood Derby Car

some Impressions from the COEX market to Altenburg, 18 + 19/09/2010

Farbenfroh und sehr groß - das Feldlager der Pleissenritter.

The courageous and brave warriors were led by the Franciscan monk, Brother Ambrose, Cellar of the monastery of Gardschitz with friendly cheeky psychological assistance in the arena.

On Sunday stood in for the princely, imperial free but unfortunately once unvoiced Count Moritz of the Laber Baernfels Ugalf Barbarian in the breach (as a herald of Pleissenritter). Nevertheless, holding up the noble squire Baernfelsers Dominik von Weiperty Baernfelser the banner. ;-)

first cut talk, and then dine.
Above: the two Imperial Knight Joerg von Naptitz und Ingolf von Pauritz im Zweikampf.
Unten: An der Tafel der Pleissenritter. Man beachte am rechten Bildrand unseren (ewigen) Dauer-Knappen Harald den Nordmann.


Herzlichst als der Eure -
Mauritzius de Baernfelsis,

Princeps regni - Comes Sacrum Romanum Imperium

et Magister Principale de Milites sanctum Georgium

et Legatus Imperii

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reoccurring Chalazion

OVZ to the COEX market Altenburg 2010

Sincerely than the Eure -
Mauritzius de Baernfelsis,

princeps regni - Comes Sacrum Imperium Romanum

MA et Principale de Milites sanctum Georgium

et Legatus Imperii

Age Of Empire*free*non Trial

Review: COEX market Altenburg 18th + 19/09/2010

It was a beautiful and for everyone - so one (s) / female wanted - something charming offer market with the COEX had summoned on that WE in the courtyards of the residential castle of Altenburg.

The Miraculous "by Christopher Alaunberg" told not only - with the help of his wonderful, self-made Pippen and supported by his own musical presentations - the Most Wonderful excellent stories, but moderated much of the bustle of the market.
The fiery " Duo Pyromantika " made it not only inspire the magic in candles, torches and fire-basket but also stellar light during the day but even the audience to his shows.
Lots of great food and drinks offered the "Met-tavern" (Rico, Dirk, Anja, Miri and helpers), "Knights inn" (Uwe) and Braterey of " Zonkus Conkus " at the historic baker and Other.
Incomparable ensured our dear friends "the Rabenbrüder " in the Quartet, or even our beloved " Ralf the Raven " alone always and everywhere a great atmosphere.
The Wasserguillotine together Badehau s offered many a lot of fun.
Supported by Nordmann families of the "Shadow Wolves" and "Alfonsisippe" and the wonderful Leipzig musicians-Duo " Ignis Fatuus " and the incomparable Celtic Nordmann warrior and herald " Ugalf of the Laber Barbarian " caused " the Pleissenritter " not only for a remarkable, almost huge camp but always for a place full of fray and fun. The latter even - on the most excellent - on the court and execution scenes. With
were there including: the barbarians Podegrodici and the excellent people from Pegau Rabe.
ensures total great Mucke including the Berlin band " Varius Coloribu s". Can
Many showed their tradesmen. Including Drechsler, basket weavers, gunsmith, blacksmith and others. Many traders offered revisions garment, jewelry, weapons and armaments, equipment and wine, honey and Honikprodukte, toys and much more.

A wonderful market, to to inspire both days knew!

And (not only) the Baernfelser has it got enormous that of our federal government & Friends including Imperial Knight Bernhard von Breidenbach and his wife, noblewoman Catherine de Mühlberg, the noble lady Gabriele von Gohlis, the merchant Andreas von Boehlen and his family and notes that Nordmann Dealers Wadilo, the Shaman Jen s, the shadow of Eneas Ritter Bach and and visit us and came! :-)

Of the Pleissenrittern & Friends were there:
Imperial Knight and George Von Hospitaliterkomtur Naptitz,
imperial knights of Ingolf Pauritzer together with family and squires,
Imperial Knight Heinrich von Priem and his family,
Empire Knights and Hospitallers Stephen von Sperling Stein and his family and squires,
Nordmann warrior Bloodaxe sneak and his family,
brother Ambrose, Cellarius the monastery to Goessnitz,
Countess Mikaela from star rock
Celtic Nordmann and Herold Ugalf and his family ,
of Baernfelsers Knappe Dominik von Weiperty,
the Lady Margaret
- along with the (I hope you forgive me) unnamed -
the princely, rich direct Graf Moritz von Baernfels.

And the best thing: The Lord of Stein Sperling made his Nadin a marriage proposal, which has that also accepted! :-) Since there's
soon something to celebrate! ;-)

The following pictures (from Kaufmann Andreas von Boehlen, squires Dominik Weiperty of the rich and Count Moritz von Baernfels) hopefully give you some nice impressions!

Herzlichst als der Eure -
Mauritzius de Baernfelsis,

Princeps regni - Comes Sacrum Romanum Imperium

et Magister Principale de Milites sanctum Georgium

et Legatus Imperii