Sunday, February 6, 2011

What To Do With Swollen Toes Because Of Pedicure

final update of the annual plan 2011

Preview - Dates of Pleissenritter eV 2011 (updated as of - 06/02/2011)

All dates, including those of the events in which we are not involved, you also find the Websites of the organizers.

Click on the links under " About Us - Friends and companions "

- (06) 07 - 08.05.2011 Schönburg b. Naumburg,
COEX -8. Medieval spectacle

- 21 + 22/05/2011 Nobitz, PLEISSENRITTER club hard

On 21/05/2011 10:00 bis 22:00 von clock

and on 05/22/2011 from 10:00 to 18:00 clock!

04603 Nobitz (in Altenburg / Thuringia), Kichgasse 05
by, in and around at the cemetery / churchyard garden.

1) a large, colorful, action-packed camp the knights of the realm Pleissenlandes, the Nordmann Germanic warrior and barbarian tribes
2) demonstrations of camp life, the plaques's, the weapons training, arms and care the martial arts of the Pleissenritter
3) the fantastic musicians
ignis fatuus from leipzig
with happy-sassy mouth, mischievous pranks and musicianship
4) Archery Alto undJung + determine the day shooting King
5th ) at least one gruesome act, which decided on the spot and right afterwards and said the verdict will vollstrecket

6) offer some honest tradesman and craftsman
7) hunger and thirst as well as for the small appetite is many for a small price to have
8) procession 9th in all splendor
) entertainment and a beautiful dances Sarazeninnen (not only) 11 by candle and torchlight
10) divination
) and Others, which is still located in the pipeline ....

Oh yes - and what does it cost?

Each pays about two and a half Schwertmaß köllnsch RM

(2.50 €). reach

Jedwedermann and every woman who Schwertmaß net,

intake was without payment of duty gewähret.

- (10) 11 - 06/12/2011 Oelsnitz Historic Castle Festival

- (17) 18.06.2011 Kraschwitz, MA-hard
- (02) 03 - 09/04/2011 Mylau (Vogtland), COEX - 12 Medieval Castle Festival

Sincerely than the Eure -
Mauritzius de Baernfelsis,

princeps regni - Comes Sacrum Imperium Romanum

et Magister Principale de Milites sanctum Georgium

et Legatus Imperii


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